PVS stands for innovation, technical progress and competence, but also for a high level of customer orientation and motivated employees. [We see ourselves as a responsible participant in economic life and live by the principles of the “honorable businessman”. Our reputation and our economic success are based on these fundamental principles. We regard acting in accordance with the law as a matter of course.
The PVS Code of Conduct serves as a basis for action in business dealings and is binding for all employees of the PVS Group. It is the valid guideline for correct behavior in everyday working life.
PVS Reporting Center (Germany)
If you wish to provide us with information about misconduct, violations of the law or breaches of our Code of Conduct, you can do so here. The web-based whistleblower system EQS Integrity Line is available to all PVS employees and business partners to report compliance violations / breaches of the law. You have the option of submitting reports anonymously. However, we would like to encourage you to give your name when making a report. Your information will be treated confidentially and the legitimate interests of all parties involved will be taken into account.
To submit a report, please use the online reporting form
Information on data protection and the whistleblower policy can be found on Online Reporting Form.
PVS-Panaszbejelentő felület (Magyarország / Hungary)
Ha szeretne információkat megosztani velünk helytelen magatartásról, törvénysértésekről vagy magatartási kódexünk megsértéséről, itt teheti meg. A Whistleblower webes bejelentő rendszer minden PVS alkalmazott és üzleti partner számára elérhető, hogy jelentse a szabályszerűség megsértését / törvénysértést. Lehetősége van a bejelentések névtelenül történő benyújtására. Szeretnénk azonban arra ösztönözni, hogy a bejelentéskor adja meg a nevét.
Az Ön adatait bizalmasan kezeljük, és minden érintett fél jogos érdekeit figyelembe vesszük.